25 Aug 2015

I can t

Missunderstanding is easy. Now I feel like I can t tell you what I think and it s slowly killing me inside... But if I told u I am sure you will missunderstood so I choose to write and try to forget about it.
I hope someday I will have the courage to tell you what I feel...

6 Feb 2015


It s been more than a couple of months since I haven t wrote anything... well my dear readers all I can say it is that I was very busy and many stuff happened.
I think that studies took me more time that I had imagine. Like now I have exams and a lot to study...
Anyway my point is that I have a lot to tell but not right now :D
And if you are wondering about lovelife all is wonderful. I have someone in my life that understands me and completes me :X I promise I will start writting again after I finish with the exams .And now I go back to study ...

25 Aug 2014


I am kinda trying to figure it out... either I want to move on or I want a part of my past back. That is why I AM CONFUSED ! I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO CHOOSE ! At least my present is ok. I know what I have to do. But my future and past are trying to knock me down.Together they are almost unstoppable. Thank God I AM a very ambitious person and I know my priorities. Till I choose I say to u all BE CAREFUL . one single mistake and ur whole life is ruined ! or a bad decision can mark negative ur whole future. So I want to think 10 times before I decide. Byeees for now and have fun my lovelies <3 p="">

19 Aug 2014

Carinio :P

Daca reusesc si asta... sunt cea mai tare ever :))
In fine trebuia sa fie o postare in engl dar parca dulcele glas al romanei ma cheama :D
SPer ca de acum incolo totul sa fie ok si sa reusesc sa inving rautaciosii sa le arat middlefinger la haters :D si sa iubesc in continuare ca la inceput ?.>> ca o copila inocenta <

Cam putin azi
de spus
Bottom line ?
Nu pot si nu vreau sa uit 
vreau acele amintiri  in viata mea si cu asta basta xD 


22 Jul 2014

The Night of the Deja-vu's

Here we are again :) Trying to let go of the memories that marked my existence... but it is soo hard when u realize that the past keeps coming back and haunts your present. I think I found a way that allows me to store in a box the memories which were for many years unforgettable. It seems a bit strange when I see that many people which were the leading actors of the memories are somehow still in my life or they got kicked out of my life by me :D or they just had to leave and make room for better moments with more greater people :)
  My life somehow is starting to create a straight path and leading me to the final destination of a stage that finishes after a while and then I realize that there in the corner on a bench is someone waiting for me and telling me that she/he waited for me a lifetime. That sounds strange I admit even for me :)) BUT i guess Not everything has to be like I want and I know life is full of surprises. Maybe sometimes we have to try creating our own place of happiness even though is not real :) Life is most of the time hard, misterious and very complicated o.O .And I think that is the fun part where you see that complicated is not always that bad as it sounds. Being complicated is an art, having a complicated life is common and trying to eliminate complication from your life is a really though challenge.
ANd yeees The Deja-vu part.... I always have the feeling that someway or somehow I already did that or already saw that. It is strange and it;s kind of  mind blowing. At least for me it's sometimes frustrating to realize that  I might already done that. It's a waste of time ! And life should not have a repeat button . oh well maybe when u need to clear things out you need the repeat button but otherwise... nooo! 
The DEja-vu that will always reamain a mystery in my life is that one when I was in the 9th grade and I thought I Was actually dreaming although I was very non-sleeping .It happened very quick like a flahs-back and it will always be a mystery for me... I think for the other person was very real :D and a very common memory but for me was strange and happened in an instant it was like time had a forward button :D
I hope life will start treating me like a VIP person :)) and offer me the stuff that I still don't have .
Oh I almost forgot... About that person which I thought was special. He turned out to be very common and thinking very convinient only for him but that is ok because I realized He didn;t ment much in my life. He was just another one.Didn't had the power to take control and gain a piece of my heart and making sure he will  stay there for ever :D I guess now I am gonna stick with the guy that showed me he is always there for me no matter what:) He really deserves my attention :) That;s why I decided I am gonna give him again the key of my heart :D 
      Good night dear reader :D :*

4 Mar 2014


Should I risk it all for a moment of fake happiness ? I am not sure that a moment can erase years of trust and understanding...
I have never been afraid of changes. I accepted them and adapted to what was next. I made one step at a time and all went well. The complications that appeared made all so different...they forced me to take decisions. I have chosen the right way but not the right people. But I was wise enough to see what they really want. I was disappointed for a moment when I saw their true intentions but I moved on and very easy walked out of their lives. Now they tell me that they want me back and realise how wrong they were. But guess what I am NOT coming back. The past is history. All that matters is the future.


11 Feb 2014


OK sooooo I have to say something :D
I like meeting new people :D
And I met some people that are sooo crazy :O
They thinlk I am like them :D
But I am not